And it can be yours if you just tell us in the comments how you like your chocolate. Dark? Milk? White? With fruit or nuts? With weird flavours like tea or chilli? Or simple with no messing about? Everyone has a different flavour that they're a huge fan of and we want to know yours. You'll get an extra entry for retweeting (as always, only the one because we don't want to spam your friends) and you've got until 8.30pm to enter. Then when we're back from drinking cocktails we'll pull a name out of a hat and announce the winner in the midst of our hangover the next day.
Good luck everyone!
The small print: The competition will close at 8.30pm 15th October. Don't worry if you don't win, there's one more competition this week. The winner must live in the UK as well, sorry overseas readers. We're not allowed to enter our own competitions, but if we were allowed, we're a big fan of rather simple chocolate. Wispa bars if you're buying. We wish we could enter own own competitions. Humph.
I like my chocolate to be milk chocolate and not too warm and not to cold but most of all I love the ceremony of really enjoying it. A quiet night in, roaring fire, snuggly PJs, big mug of tea, a good book/blog/telly programme.... blissness.
ReplyDeleteDairy Milk straight from the fridge - cannot beat it
ReplyDeleteActually, I lie... Giant Cadburys Dairy Milk Buttons straight from the fridge. Pure heaven!
I like my chocolate on the dark side of milk, preferable with a hint of orange and eaten really slowly! In complete decadenance and peace and quiet that I very rarely get with two small children in the house. I don't want to share my choc I just want to eat it, very selfishly all to myself with a cuppa and a mag or maybe a chick flick!
ReplyDeleteI like trying odd chocolate combinations, it's a bit like russian roullette with your tastebuds! My favourite so far has been a soft cheese, grape and walnut flavour incased in creamy white chocolate. Surprisingly delicious!
ReplyDeletePerfect if you can't decide between cheese board and dessert... which i often can't...
Do you remember Old Jamaica? Rain and Rum- as a child it was the one choccy that made me feel grown up and sophisticated while I shared with my friends!! How we giggled and chortled as we discussed being 'Bond' girls as we nibbled this forbidden fruit!
ReplyDeleteDepends on my mood; if I'm feeling active, dark chocolate with a little peppermint in, just to make it even more zingy. Perfect when you have to be out and about on a cold day. If you're lucky enough to be indoors though, milk chocolate with vanilla and nutmeg or cinnamon; really cosy and comforting. It tastes fantastic as it melts.
ReplyDeleteHmmm - I think I prefer my chocolate milkier rather than dark - and if it has a touch of a nut (im easy on this point - pecan, almond, brazil, hazelnuts etc) then Im a happy lady!
(cookinmummy on twitter)
I like my chocolate out of the wrapper! I'm THAT easy LOL
I love dark chocolate - at the moment the Seeds of Change Orange & Fig http://seedsofchange.co.uk/dark-chocolate-orange-fig.html - tastes good and can feel good eating it too as they donate 1% of revenue to sustainability initiatives - all good!!
ReplyDeleteI like my chocolate slightly warm, never from the fridge. It has to be pure chocolate with no bits, preferably with a hint of orange or mint. For ultimate pleasure it has to be eaten in a darkened room with music playing in the background!
ReplyDeleteI just love chocolate :) Chocolate truffles straight from the fridge, beautiful bite sized pieces of mmmmmmm ness
ReplyDeleteI like my chocolate, cold, from the fridge. I prefer milk chocolate with any amount of whole nuts in. :-)
ReplyDeleteI like my chocolate melted! Preferably milk chocolate with strawberries, marshmallows and fudge to dip in it. Made myself hungry now! :)
ReplyDeleteWhite chocolate with coconut, milk chocolate with caramel or butterscotch, dark chocolate with cherries.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI have started enjoying dark chocolate more, at present I could fancy some with marshmellows and biscuit in a bit like rocky road!!
ReplyDelete@katylittlelady on twitter!!
milk chocolate, room temperature dipped into a cup of tea, Would chose galacy over dairy milk. ummm chocolate, i need chocolate.
ReplyDeletesnafflesmummy on twitter
This is difficult because I like various types of chocolate in various ways. I think my one true love is Dairy Milk (goes well with tea, and also red wine). But I can be partial to Galaxy. And I like white chocolate too - the best has to be Green & Black's. And then in terms of hot chocolate, I'm a Nesquik girl, but also a Whittard's white chocolate girl. I like chocolate cake, I like chocolate biscuits (I recommend eating chocolate fingers with tea: you bite the ends of, put it into the tea like a straw and suck the tea through it, then eat it very quickly before it disintegrates into the tea).
ReplyDeleteBut when I need a true chocolate fix, I think it would always be a simple bar of Cadbury's chocolate. Which is why I could never live abroad (even when other countries import Cadbury's, it never seems to taste quite the same as it does here).
I prefer my chocolate when it's been left out of the fridge for a little while and it's even better if just about to melt - the satisfaction of licking the remnants off your fingers is something I never want to give up!
ReplyDeleteFlavour wise, a milk chocolate which has a high cocoa content, almost edging on dark, and flavoured with cherry pieces and a little hint of kirsch/cherry brandy wouldn't go amis either!
I prefer my chocolate melted, and on a spoon, and that spoon is in my mmmmouth
ReplyDeleteAs long as there's ginger in it somewhere it can be any colour or texture and I'm still a happy bunny.
ReplyDeleteI hate cold chocolate! *Shudder*. I like my chocolate at room temperature thank you very much...and milk! Mmmm. I will eat white choccie & dark choccie (ofcourse!) but good ole milk chocolate is where its at. Cadburys or thorntons :D NOM NOM!
I love mik chocolate straight from the fridge, all crisp and snappable. Or dark chocolate with cherries or ginger - something zingy!
ReplyDeleteMiriambarber on twitter!
As a child, I used to love taking Hershey Kisses and bite off the pointy top. I'd then take 2 of these now flatter pieces and put two under my top lip next to that little piece of skin that holds your lip to your gums. I'd then wait for it to melt and dig it out with my tongue. Yeah, I'm weird :) Now as an adult living in the UK, I know better and my favourite is definitely chocolate truffles - not the kind in cocoa powder but the longer ones in chocolate flakes. Yum!
ReplyDeleteGreen & Blacks milk chocolate with butterscotch omg just thinking about it makes my mouth water. Best of all, no one else in the house likes it so I get it all to myself!
ReplyDeleteWhite chocolate filled with salted caramel is my favourite. I was given some once but haven't ever found them again since, so sad to have had something so wonderful but to never find it again :-(
ReplyDeleteTurkish delight encased in dark chocolate, reminds me of my gran and Narnia!
ReplyDeleteI only really like milk chocolate - no white or dark! I love it with anything though - orange, toffee, caramel, biscuit. I always have the hardest time deciding which chocolates I want in places like Hotel Chocolat :)
ReplyDeleteChocolate is chocolate is chocolate.
ReplyDeleteI like it when I'm feeling happy, when I'm feeling sad, when I'm angry or calm.
Cold, room temperature, hot.
In bed, on the sofa, on the move.
Anywhere, everywhere.
My favourite chocolate is Nestle dark cooking chocolate because it reminds me of my Mum making cakes and it's amazing! It has 52%cacao solids so just bitter enough when you bite in to it but then as it slowly melts in your mouth, the sweetness coats your tongue...So delicious! A square a day keeps the doctor away :)
ReplyDeleteI really like the dark chocolate and chilli mix, great for the evenings now they are getting colder!
ReplyDeleteI really like the dark chocolate and chilli mix, great for the evenings now they are getting colder!
ReplyDeleteI could write you all an essay about the different ways I love chocolate! Dunked in tea, melting it to make rice kripie cakes (and eating most of the chocolate in the process), praline and truffles, guilt-free fair trade bars... the list goes on! But my favourite by far was when I had a horrible late night chocolate fix, when all the shops were closed. Moany text to boyfriend sent, I went to bed. Heard the doorbell go half an hour later and discovered my doormat COVERED in dairy milk, galaxy, celebrations - the lot! So I think that's my favourite kind of chocolate... Surprise Chocolate.
ReplyDeleteSmooth dark chocolate and sensuous cherry filling. Heaven!
ReplyDeleteI like my chocolate almost any which way...as long as it's chocolate! i can't stand it straight out the fridge though - it's gotta be gooey and easy to melt in my mouth...i love it melting on my fingers then i leave them till last before licking all the delicious choccy off! White chocolate is my forte, but i'm very parcial to milk chocolate too - that choccy slcb looks scrummy!
ReplyDeleteDark Chocolate with mint - like the one Divine do!
ReplyDeleteDespite being a milk chocolate snaffling child, I am now a big fan of dark chocolate. Not too dark and bitter, like the Green & Blacks 85% stuff, that just hurts my tongue! But maybe a big bar of Bourneville, where you have to eat a tiny little corner at a time to really taste it properly.
ReplyDeleteBut you can't go wrong with orange chocolate. Or vanilla flavoured white. Or caramel. Or...
I like my chocolate dark and fondant filled, preferably with either violet or rose fondant cream.
ReplyDeleteI can only eat 2 or 3 as they are so rich and sweet but savour each taste.
It should also be noted that I am not above a Cadbury's Caramel eaten along with a packet os Walkers Smoky Bacon crips - seriously try it; what's the worst that can happen?
I like many forms of chocolate in no particular order:
ReplyDeleteGreen and Blacks (Mint preferably) for ultimate indulgence.
Snickers Duo (greedy)
Chocolate Orange (entire egg at Christmas)
Bounty (milk version, yum!)
Fudge bar for mini indulgences
All with mandatory big cup of tea!
If you had asked 3 weeks ago it would of been milk, but since trying Hotel Chocolat's dark chocolate with mint I'm converted.
ReplyDeleteFor me it has to be milk chocolate, at room temperature. Very simple but soooo good!
ReplyDeleteIf it's a bar of chocolate, then I like cold milk chocolate.If it's individual chocolates, then I always go for the dark ones first.
ReplyDeleteHow do I like my chocolate.....can I say all over my tounge!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf I got a choice I love lemon, and it would be milk chocolate too.
I go through fads & phases with chocolate depending on my mood & the season! I was lucky enough to be given a Hotel Chocolat seasonal goodie bag in summer, which included rhubarb chocolate & strawberry chocolate. Not something I'd had before, but they were delicious - perfect for summer!
ReplyDeleteFor autumn & winter though, it has to be dark chocolate with either ginger or cherries - perfect for eating in front of the fire!
It's either classy, 80-odd% cocoa dark, dark chocolate, or Dairy Milk. Honestly, nothing really beats Dairy Milk for comfort eating.
ReplyDeleteMy favourites at the moment are dark chocolate with fig and orange (Seeds of Change) and milk chocolate with carmel bits in (Green and Blacks). However, there are times when only cadburys dairy milk will suffice.
ReplyDeleteWell if I'm feeling virtuous it has to be dark, dark chocolate, maybe with Chilli (surprisingly yummy from here http://bit.ly/2MCMRF)or Seeds of Change Orange & Fig, just sooo delicious and I love the texture.
ReplyDeleteBut if I just need a good chocolate fix you can't beat Cadbury's Dairy milk for the mouth feel and all round scrumptiousness :-)
Dark with a hint of orange
ReplyDeleteI like dark chocolate, with a warm, spicy flavour like ginger or chilli. I like nuts too - pralines = mmmmmm. All with a nice hot drink. Yum.
ReplyDeleteI like my chocolate very creamy and then I love to let it sit on my tongue till it melts in my mouth
ReplyDeletetweeted http://twitter.com/mmc67/status/4887952220
ReplyDeleteAfter living in Japan for 18 months chocolate just doesnt seem right unless its all over a pretzel stick. I miss pocky!
ReplyDeleteI do love dark chocolate and don't understand it when people say 'but you can only eat a little', I could eat it all day!
ReplyDeleteHowever I also love a deliciously creamy milk chocolate with a healthy cocoa content. Sweet and comforting, lovely!
I like my chocolate dark, with chunks of real, crystallised ginger in it. And a glass of red wine on the side. Failing that, white with cardomon pods and a vodka martini on the side... or dark again, melted, with juicy raspberries floating in it. Mmmn.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love coffee chocolate! It's so hard to find but I've tried it all. From the really bitter (and posh) chocolate, which tastes like you are just eating coffee beans to the coffee Revels.
ReplyDeleteIt makes two great things, coffee and chocolate into a really great thing.
White chocolate. Any type is fine by me but my favourite is Milkybar! Im a fan of milk chocolate too but cant eat dark unless its being baked in something.
ReplyDeleteCostleyS on twitter.
I don't believe chocolate should be messed with. I like milk chocolate on its own. A nice big bar of dairy milk after its been in the fridge with a pint of milk to wash it down. Simples.
ReplyDeleteI love dark dark chocolate with almonds, cashews, walnuts or pecans! Any nuts but peanuts, basically! yum!
ReplyDeletemannasweeps (at)))) gmaildotcom
oh and a RT'd @claremaher1 :o)
ReplyDeletetweet! http://twitter.com/mannabsn/status/4893870188
ReplyDeleteWhite chocolate spaghetti for me!!
ReplyDeleteChocolate was my blg post inspiration today!
Belgian milk chocolate...with a baileys chaser a few minutes after.
ReplyDeletePerfect autumn indulgence. mmmmm.
Home in time to do this tonight! (Work how now blocked my access to commenting on blogger/blogspot)
ReplyDeleteI like my chocolate dark, as dark as I can get while still being edible. In fact, right now I'd like a nice bar of dark chocolate, a hot cup of tea, and something suitabley trashy on the telly - perfect evening!
I like it in small sweet squares with a little savoury, spicy kick.
ReplyDeleteMostly I like my chocolate from NZ - especially if it's covering pineapple lumps (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pineapple_lumps) or caramel (http://www.nestle.co.nz/Products/Confectionery/PixieCaramel/PIXIE_CARAMEL.htm) but I do indulge in chocolate most nights with dark my main preference (drizzled over berries so it's kinda healthy!)