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Thursday 28 January 2010

Bethan Lloyd Worthington's Tea for Two pendant

Okay, I have to admit it, the Tea for Two pendant was a winner with me on its name alone. But when I saw the actual jewellery I realised it was exactly my cup of tea.

Hand-made by Bethan Lloyd Worthington, the pendant features a tiny tea pot, milk jug and two tea cup charms all hung on a vintage brass necklace. The charms are all glazed in a lovely pea green colour with a layer of gold lustre for extra sparkle.

Peer closely at this image and you'll see that each charm is decorated with an illustration of a bird.

I'm also potty over the other option which has this charming illustration of a house on every piece.

The only bad point is that at £78, the pendant undeniably falls into the 'want but wait' category. However, if you like this The Shop Floor Project is also selling Bethan's single teapot pendant for £42 or bracelets for a much more justifiable £24. My cup truly runneth over ...


  1. Hello,

    Thanks for the post! I just wanted to let you know that the web links are out of date. You can now find the jewellery at

    All the best,


  2. Hi there, I'd really appreciate it if you could update the link to The link you have at the moment is advertising payday loans!

    Very many thanks,



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