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Friday 8 January 2010

Blogs We Love: Lay the Table

I hadn't seen the beauteous Lay The Table blog until recently. Domestic Sluttery met the the lovely lady behind it, Becs, when she won the Bordello competition we organised late last year. And ever since I started reading, I've been mightily impressed.

It features recipes and foodie reviews, and the gorgeous photography often has me drooling all over my keyboard, especially these strawberry and pomegranate cupcakes with lemon cream.

Bec's recipe instructions are clear and easy to follow, and usually feature clever and original tweaks to update traditional recipes with modern, quirky twists, like using Daim bars in the base of this apple cheesecake. I'll definitely be attempting that one at some point soon! And if you haven't got much of a sweet tooth, there's also a section for savoury treats, like these delicious-looking stilton, bacon and red onion tartlets that Becs blogged about earlier this week.

If you have a favourite blog that isn't on our blogroll then please let us know in the comments, and we'll make sure we investigate it soon!


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