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Wednesday 13 January 2010

Design Porn: Coulson Macleod

I know I said that I'm not a fan of typography, but when artwork like this pops up, my heart flutters a little. The Coulson Macleod pieces are bold, unique and interesting enough to hold my attention for more than five minutes. Here are my favourites:

I think I just fell in love with this print. Despite its £149 price tag.

This Union Jack print is a nice little twist on the patriotic trend.

And this fashion print is fabulous.

More typography like this please!


  1. I love that Shakespeare and Thomas the Tank Engine are on the Union Jack print.

  2. I love them all. Think my favourite is the first one but the price tag is hurting my heart :(

  3. I like the first one, but the price is ridiculous. Am sure, however, you could do your own version for a fraction of the price.

  4. I've thought about knocking up my own version of the first one...

  5. But you wouldn't, of course. Cos that would be muchos bad and naughty copyright infringement.
    Don't want to be all Aunt Mabel-ish, but am married to a photographer, and artists get rather tetchy at the whole 'I could do that for free' thing...

  6. Hehe, do take the comments with a pinch of salt, Laura! I understand exactly what you're saying though. Of course I wouldn't do it myself - it would be rubbish for a start ;-)

    But, it's nice for a bit of inspiration and I'd love a piece with the Picasso quotation "everything you can imagine is real" on it. That would look splendid.

  7. Very splendid indeed.
    As would Goethe's 'Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.'

    (PS - my little rabbit vase gives me a little dot of happiness every single day :) )


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