At first I thought this snow thing was fun. My rather grubby street was all a-shimmer and the hideous blizzards were the perfect excuse to drop any healthy eating New Year resolutions (who wants salad when you can't feel your toes?). But eight days later and the novelty is ebbing somewhat. There's nothing fun about a hacking cough and even a trip to the corner shop becomes a mission. But the worst thing about the bone-crushing cold, for me, has to be the limiting effect it has on my wardrobe.
After spending all of last week bundled up in multiple layers - we're talking tights under trousers and vests under everything - I'm determined to make an effort to keep warm and stylish until this cold snap ends. I've had it up to here with sturdy boots, keeping my scarf on indoors and wearing nothing but jumpers. I miss my peep-toe heels! I want to wear floral print dresses! And most of all, I'd like to wear something other than flat boots and jeans.
So, dear readers, we'd love to know how you're coping in the snow. Are you braving swishy skirts and stilettoes, making clever use of layers or just eschewing social contact until you can be coaxed out of trackie bottoms?
Flickr image from dichohecho's photostream
As you may have noticed last night, I am very much FAILING to stay glamorous in this weather. But then that insinuates that I was glamorous in the first place! I think the key is lots of thin layers, all topped off with a pretty tunic on top, with skinny jeans, funky wellies, a massive scarf, woolly hat and a bright, warm coat :)
ReplyDeleteI am failing miserably at this, I don't have decent boots as I am definately not an outdoorsy type! Fortunately I bought wellies last year which has saved my life recently, though I cringe everytime I put them on and then tuck my trousers in them, in fact it just made me wince writing this!
ReplyDeleteSo bottom line I have no tips, I look hideous and I hope no one will see me til it thaws ;o)
I invested in some lovely 80s inspired long-sleeved body suits, which I'm currently wearing under my little summer floral dresses, and which are brilliant at holding up layered tights too! Then it's the afore-mentioned layered tights (mix and match colours - you get some great effects!)with over-the-knee or knee-length socks over them, an extra pair of socks worn under my wellies for the commute, and pretty heels in my bag! I met a couple of the girls at the pub last night, and the first thing we all did on arrival was swap our wellies for heels!
ReplyDeleteIt's cold out. I'm staying inside where it's warm. I'm very stylish inside. Even wearing my new platform shoes. When is it spring?
ReplyDeleteIt is tempting to stay in jeans and woolly jumpers, but I feel so much better when I'm wearing something pretty. I think it's worth the effort :-)
ReplyDelete@secondhandshopper I'm a big fan of wearing multiple pairs of tights! Looks especially good when the top pair are patterned, but I'll try it with different colours too.
@Hayley Layers are the future! As long as you have a nice roomy handbag to pop your discarded tops in.
It's really difficult, especially when the office you work in is freezing as not only do your out door clothes have to be pratical, you also have to think about trying to look smart indoors, and unfortunately I work in an office where jeans and jumpers are frowned upon. So I'm currently rocking 3 pairs of 80 Denier black tights, a vest top, a pair of black hideous shorts, an underskirt dress, to smooth out the lines and a purple wooley dress, I've not managed to rid myself of my scarf yet and am wearing fingerless mittens (although I do have to pull these off everytime my boss comes in) I also am wearing knee high heeled boots- but I do have a pair of wellies in my bag for home time. Snow makes getting dress for work very complicated. And I'm dreaming of the day when I can wear my red high heel dorothy shoes I snagged in the sale...
ReplyDeleteI think accessories are the key here. They can divert the eye from a multitude of (what would, in ordinary weather be a...) fashion faux pas. I have a growing collection of scarves, hats and gloves (courtesy of relatives with taste but little imagination when it comes to Christmas pressies). It's working for me!
ReplyDeleteI've been staying in as much as possible, the cold hurts my face, but when I do venture out, I try to be stylish - I have an image to uphold!
ReplyDeleteSuede 'granny boots' lined with pure new wool
Thick tights
vest & tee-shirt to keep me snuggly
then either a dress or a pair of 50s trousers (tucked into said boots, naturally)& a cardigan.
Oh, and either my 'santa' coat or a 50's knitted coat.
I've been wearing two pairs of tights and hiding socks in my boots so I could wear skirts. It would be elegant on some but not me!
ReplyDeleteAlso Bed Socks! I usually get a larger size of boot and then there is room to put on bed socks over your tights, then shove on your boots over them. No one knows and your feet are nice and toasty warm.
ReplyDeleteOh, I am not at all stylish - not this year. Ill-prepared is the word for me. But I will learn from the comments here and also intend to embark on a knitting project for some fabulous mittens for next winter - better get started now!
ReplyDeleteGlamorous isn't my thing even in the most temperate of weather. So it's wellies, big jumpers, beanie hats, scarves. I have been very tempted but have drawn the line at a balaclava.
ReplyDeleteToday's the first day I've ventured out of trousers for a week and a half - leggings over tights and a tunic top with the obligatory sturdy boots. At 6 months pregnant I'm going to have to be firmly convinced of a thaw before I return to my regular, less than sturdy, footwear!
ReplyDeleteI have been completely unstylish and worn wellies every day for the last 7 days, I need a thaw so I can get back to real shoes!
ReplyDeleteWhen I venture out, it's strictly in sensible, flat boots (I'm terrified of falling on my derriere) and with the full gamut of winter essentials (wool gloves, scarf and hat!). But for a bit of colour, they must be bright and cheerful. Especially the hats. I buy them in bold colours and my favourites are my red cashmere beret (complete with sprinkling of twinkly diamante all over) and my shocking pink wool beanie.
ReplyDeleteIm trying! I have the most gorg Viv Westwood wellies which i have been wearing with thick socks just peeking over the top. Leggings, vests, long sleeved tshirts, then jumper dresses over the top. Layer layer layer.
ReplyDeleteThe key is having an amazing winter coat! mine is gorg and super warm! what with that, long gloves and the biggest scarf ever - i am toasty!!