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Tuesday 12 January 2010

Green Fingers: Maggie Williams' Hanging Vases

I might not be very green-fingered, but I do love fresh flowers. Mine are currently sitting pretty in a scientific measuring cylinder. While that has a bit of geeky cool to it, it's nowhere near as pretty as the hanging vases from Maggie Williams. Aren't they pretty? They look stunning altogether, but even just one in a dull corner of a room would look great. I love the black ones, but you can choose whatever colour you like. They might look like they'll cost the earth, but they're just £35.


  1. Ooh! I love them! But I don't know if I'd have them in my flat - they're a bit 'alien chic' and I don't think they'd fit in.

  2. That's a smart idea, if they are up on a wall they are less likely to accidently get knocked over.


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