It was obvious to me which room I'd choose for the Face of Habitat. One of the best decisions I made about my flat was opting not to get a lodger for my spare room. It's not that I'm antisocial, more that I knew that this was my chance to have the room I've always wanted - my own home studio. Invaluable now that I'm a freelancer, it's where I write, work, craft, make and sing along badly and loudly to my iPod speakers all the day long.
My desk is covered with a self-healing mat for cutting fabrics and paper, fabrics for current projects and rows of tools like markers, brushes and pens. The printer's board on the wall is the perfect storage space for important tiny things that tend to hide on the table: sewing machine feet, buttons, bobbins. Then the lovely people from Habitat brought along some things to make it prettier, more organised and altogether cosier - so very welcome right now!

Prettier: I rather fancy these Devon tumblers, which match the purple chunky glass jug up on the shelf. I should use the jug to help with my resolution to drink more water and less coffee when working. More likely it'll be used to display flowers instead.

So if you fancy having your day as the Face of Habitat, enter their great competition here. You could win a VIP trip to London and the chance to participate in a shoot with a top photographer. Just upload your pics to the gallery - and leave us a comment here at Domestic Sluttery to let us know, so we can come peep at your house too!
I'm so jealous of your little studio :-)