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Monday 27 September 2010

Design Porn: Unicorn Ring

In quiet moments, I like typing 'unicorn jewellery' into Google and cooing over the pretty things it uncovers. That's how I found this silver and enamel ring by Mark Poulin, over on US website Shana Logic (warning: it is full of cute accessories made by independent designers. You will want it ALL). I love the simple line drawing, the way it fits beautifully even on my spindly fingers, and the happy comments I get from other people who spot it. It's $65 - about £40 - but you'll want to wear it forever.

Rumours that I sometimes close my eyes, place one finger on the ring and make a wish while whispering 'unicorn power' remain unconfirmed.


  1. Cute! Though it reminds me of the freakiest youtube vid OF ALL TIME:

  2. "We're on a bridge, Charlieeeee!"


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