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Wednesday 26 June 2013

Rob Ryan for the V&A

Oh, Rob Ryan. Sometimes your unashamed sentimentality is a little much for a Wednesday afternoon, but not today. Not when there's an exclusive new print produced especially for the V&A. It's called You Are My Universe.

Moons circle planets
and planets circle stars
and every star and galaxy has
its place in the universe, and you and I will
circle each other for you will always be at the heart of my

universe and if you want me - I will always be yours.

This gorgeous lasercut print is £95 and a limited edition of 500. It's one of the five new prints intended to be the perfect wedding gift (this is actually the most expensive of the new prints - prices for the collection start at £25). I can think of a few couples getting hitched later this year who would love such a special present.

1 comment:

  1. For other wedding giftage try she did a wicked job on my anniversary gift


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