We thought we'd sneak in just one more book event before Christmas. We're heading to see the very lovely Bookseller Crow in London's Crystal Palace for a mince pie and a bit of a chat.
Want to come and join us? We'll be chatting about the site, giving advice about blogging and talking about how the site grew and how the book came about. The Bookseller Crow will be selling copies, and we'll be signing them. With happy Christmas messages, if you like. We've heard the book makes an excellent Christmas gift.
It's also late night shopping in Crystal Palace that night, so there will be lots of cute little shops open (expect some of us to be loitering in Vintage Hart - the only vintage shop in a pub that we know of). We're really excited to meet more of you and have chats so please come and join us for a mince pie or six from 7pm on the 15th. Want to let us know you're coming, that would be nice. Email us and let us know so we have a rough idea of how many mince pies we need. We might even mull some wine.
Oh, that's such a shame. I live 5 mins away, but am taking my niece to panto tomorrow. Enjoy!