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Tuesday 7 May 2013

Win! A Jammy Dodger plate from Magpie Miller

Jammy Dodgers are some of the very best biscuits. We've even taught you how to make jammy biscuits. Twice. We probably deserve to keep this brilliant Jammy Dodger plate for ourselves, but we're not going to. Magpie Miller are going to give it to the very deserving winner of the next Just Desserts club!

What's Just Desserts? It's the best pudding club ever. Each month we settle on a theme for pudding recipes, and ask you to blog your recipes. We want to see your exciting creations, and we'll all get involved as well.

Tell people about Just Desserts Club, link back to us and we'll include you in the huge round up of recipes posts. Then lots of our readers can discover new recipes and new blogs and everyone gets brilliant pudding.

So far we've done cheesecake, cinnamon, chocolate, custard, ginger and now we're onto a sunshine citrus theme! Whether you're excited by grapefruit or lemons, cheesecake or ice cream, as long as it's sweet and it's got citrus in it, you've got our attention.

You've got until July 17th to get your citrus recipes in. Tweet us a link and we'll share it, or email us your link so we can include it. Once we've done the round up, we'll open the voting so our readers can pick their favourite and they'll win the Just Desserts Plate of Glory. Get making, everyone! We want your puddings.


  1. Did I miss the round-up of the citrus theme or is it still to come?

    1. Still to come - we've changed the date! (We always do that.)


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