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Monday 15 July 2013

Gin & Tonic Gourmet Popcorn

You heard. GIN AND TONIC FLAVOURED POPCORN! Brought to you by gourmet popcorn chef and connoisseur Joseph Sopher of Joe & Seph's, this unusual combination of crisp gin and tonic and crunchy, caramel-coated popcorn is a taste sensation, I tell thee. 

At first, I just couldn't get my head round how these flavours would work together. For a start, I'm definitely more of a salted popcorn person - but I make an exception for good ol' toffee Butterkist, natch. Secondly, although I'm certainly not averse to pairing booze with sweet things - remember my giant Cointreau-laced jaffa cake? Or the time I went all Juliette Binoche on you and made rose and gin chocolates? - I just wasn't at all keen on the idea of gin and caramel. No.

But, but... YES. For perhaps only the 57,366th time in my life, I was wrong. It turns out gin, tonic, caramel, and popcorn are a terrific foursome. Like the Fantastic Four. Or the Famous Five if they got shot of Anne. Completely delicious, and so moreish. And it really does taste like a G&T. 

I suppose you want to know where to buy gin and tonic popcorn, eh? Well - Firebox is selling it for £6.99 a bag (I neglected to tell you that this stuff costs more than an actual gin and tonic). Or, go and buy direct from Joe & Seph's - the only downside (upside?) is that the minimum order is three bags. BUT! You get three bags for £12, including postage, so why not give some of the other mouthwatering flavours a try while you're at it? We're already fans of the lemon and poppyseed ("Utterly phenomenal" - Kat Brown). 

What do you reckon? Are you going to give G&T popcorn a go? What other boozy flavours would be a perfect match for popcorn (wine popcorn has just happened over in the US, by the way)? And the big question: do you want me to try making some? Not gin and tonic - I'll leave that to Joe & Seph's. But something equally delicious and drunken. Suggestions on a postcard, please (or, y'know, in the comments below). If it works, you lot will be the first to hear all my culinary secrets.


  1. OF COURSE WE WANT YOU TO MAKE SOME. Martini popcorn, please.

  2. I want to get excited, I really do. I just *hate* popcorn. It's like cardboard. Salty (or in this case ginny) cardboard.

  3. I think tequila/lime popcorn would be a goer.

    1. This opinion is not at all biased by the giant margarita next to my laptop, or the fact that I'm hungry. Nope, not at all.

    2. So. Jealous. And craving a frozen margarita now.

    3. Mmm, margarita popcorn. I think mojito popcorn might work, too. Also bloody mary. Actually, almost anything boozy. I'm going to have to make some popcorn plans!

  4. "This news is utterly phenomenal" - Kat Brown

  5. OH OH OH. Have the goats' cheese one. It's delicious. But don't have a whole bag in one sitting. That'll make you feel ill. Apparently.

    1. Hee hee! I'll try it, but I'll take your very wise advice.


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