When I first heard about it, the Omop was yet another of those 'revolutionary' products that I imagined gathering dust after one use. But I was quite wrong in my initial assessment, as it's been so handy that I almost look forward to zooming it around the floor for a quick polish. This is because it's an 'ergonomic mop' that bends so you don't have to, making it easy to reach high and low spots that usually involve a lot of undignified crouching. It's also very environmentally friendly, as it takes re-usable pads that you can bung in the washing machine (they actually become better at cleaning with each wash, I'm told) so there's none of that confusion at the supermarket over which expensive refill you'll have to buy when you've run out.
I love my Omop, and I'm sticking with it! It's not quite in the 'GHD straighteners' league of instant essentials, but I'd say it's getting there. £29 at John Lewis
A mop that makes cleaning easier - it's the very definition of Domestic Sluttery!