Seat belts fastened? Yes? Then let's start with London tea cushion. This is a picturesque view of the capital complete with a Lyon's Tea Room and Routemaster bus. I know my street doesn't look anything like this (where's the abandoned shopping trolley for starters?) but that doesn't stop me dreaming. This costs £45 or, for a budget option, you can also get a similar image as a tea towel.
London dwellers also get a few more designs. Pick from a pretty Piccadilly Circus, a cutesy Columbia Road flower market or lovely London at Night.

You may also recognize the Tower of London on this cushion. There's also a nod to the twenty-first century here, with the Gherkin peaking out from behind the trees. I'm not the biggest fan of dogs, especially on homewares, but I have to admit they work well here. They should stop flogging those Prince Charles masks to tourists and try selling a few of these instead. It's the perfect souvenir and also costs £45.
Like any good tour of the UK, we now head up to Scotland and the beautiful city of Edinburgh. The cushion shows Victoria Street, one of the city's nicest streets, and - oh look - a Scottie dog seems to have crept into this one too. It's just as I remember my time living there, honest, just minus a couple of drunk and stumbling students. This one is £50.
Ah, there will always be Paris. The top most romantic city in Europe is also honoured in its own cushion: Eiffel Tower and farmers market all depicted. It's also £50 and, with this one completing the set, you have everything you need for your very own city break without leaving the comfort of your couch.
The designs on these cushions are such fun - really colourful and lots of detail. Thanks for sharing!