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Thursday 25 March 2010

Times They Are A-Turning: Karlsson Leaves Clock

Don't forget that it's this Sunday that the clocks go forward. And what better way to celebrate the official arrival of summertime than with a blooming marvellous clock?

This Leaves Clock is made by Karlsson who always seem to do tasty things with their timepieces. You place the main clock mechanism where you want on the wall and then do a spot of flower arranging - you can put the plastic leaves around the mechanism any way you see fit. The leaves are made from plastic in an array of cheery bright colours and are perfect for defeating any last vestiges of SAD.

If you fancy turning over a new leaf as you turn the clock, you can buy it for £55 from Dutch by Design.

1 comment:

  1. I almost forgot that the clocks went forward the other day but fortunately I was saved by a friend who reminded me.

    I've always been an admirer of clocks by Karlsson but the one above is just beautiful. A truly great clock!


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