I don't know about you, but when I'm looking for the perfect perfume to invest in, the prettiness level of the bottle and packaging is usually the deal-breaker for me. I mean, of
course, I'll go through the obligatory hoopla of spritzing the scent onto a posh piece of litmus-style paper and dramatically waving it in the air (usually followed by an abrupt sneezing fit; I have sensitive nostrils, see?) But once I've confirmed that said scent doesn't a) smell of gnat's piss and b) bring me out in a rash, my thoughts will then turn to the urn, so to speak.
Chanel No. 5 is my fail safe signature scent - but the packaging is so simplistically chic, it's almost (dare I say it?)
boring. I'm after a product that looks the part; especially when one is going to be parting with a fair bit of one's cash for what is, essentially, toilet water. So here's my pick of the pongs that would take pride of place in my boudoir...

My mum actually got me this -
Lola by Marc Jacobs (£45, 50ml) - for Christmas and I love it. I was too scared to remove the bottle from the decadent packaging at first, as the bottle (well, the HUGE vinyl petal stopper, more specifically) is stunning; a work of art. It looks amazing on my dresser and do you know what? The aroma - peppery yet deliciously floral with a sensual signature note of luscious fuchsia peony - is pretty heavenly, too.

For multitasking gals-on-the-go, try the fancy cocktail ring concealing solid perfume underneath it's glitzy exterior: enter the limited edition
Marc Jacobs Lola Ring (£30). Pretty AND practical; it saves you trying to squeeze an outsize bottle of perfume into your not-much-bigger-than-a-matchbox clutch bag.

Every girl should own at least one retro-style spritzer scent - and one of my current favourites is the
Guerlain Eclat Imperial Sublime Radiant Powder (£47.50). Alright, technically it's not a perfume, it's a glittery body mist but this super-silky spray
is delicately scented with violets. Perfect for giving your skin an all-over shimmer - and for giving your boudoir a touch of old-school Hollywood glamour.

The bow-shaped lid of the
Ricci Ricci scent by
Nina Ricci is gorgeously girly and what's possibly even more exciting is the fact this fragrance contains a rhubarb top-note! Brilliant!
Sold to the girl with quite possibly more money then sense - but doesn't she smell gorgeous?
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