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Thursday, 15 December 2011

Win! A sausage dog purse from Dutch by Design

On the eleventh day of Christmas, Domestic Sluttery gave to me... a sausage dog purse from Dutch by Design.

Update! We have a winner! Rebecca Wilson Scott! You said that you'll be wearing a "joyfully colourful (and stretchy) jersey dress: It's uber comfy, suitably festive and will accommodate my expanding food filled belly!" Sounds brilliant. Just email us to claim your prize.

OH MY GOD I WANT THIS SO MUCH. I'm not even in the Christmas spirit about this competition. I'm being a massive Scrooge. I want this leather sausage dog purse for myself and I'm mad that one of you is going to win it him. Our penultimate present is from our sponsors Dutch by Design and he's the cutest, most adorable purse ever.

But if you at least consider winning him and then wrapping him up and sending him to sit under my Christmas tree, I'll let you play. Leave us a comment below, telling us what you'll be wearing for Christmas day. Are you a pretty sparkly dress kinda person, or are you not planning on getting dressed at all? Slankets don't count as being dressed y'know. And that's more than OK with us.

Leave us a comment before midnight tonight and we'll announce the winner (somewhat begrudgingly) tomorrow.

Wondering who won the Bodie & Fou whisky glasses yesterday? That was Catherine Fathers! Here's what she'll be drinking for Christmas - "Hot chocolate with Baileys, oodles of whipped cream and grated chocolate to top it off, the works. Serve in an oversized mug with a blanket and a Christmas film, done!" Sounds good to us! Catherine, just email us to claim your prize and we'll send it on its way.

Good luck today, everyone!

Oh yawn, small print (read it). The competition will close at Midnight on December 15th. You must be UK based to enter, sorry you lovely overseas readers. If you're anon your entry won't count and if you enter more than once, we'll discount all of your entries and tell you off. The winning entry will be chosen at random and you must claim your prize by the 16th or we'll draw again. If you've won one competition this Christmas, let someone else have a bash and go and play with your toys! We're not allowed to enter our own competitions. Humph. Go away. We're sulking like you wouldn't believe.


  1. mmm I am not sure what I will be wearing Christmas day but it will be festive and match the sausage dog purse :0) and I will be off to take Christmas dinner to my grandparents.

  2. I will be wearing a sparkly lil number accessorised with heels, a glass of champagne, and a pinny will make intermittent appearances when cooking the dins....

  3. I will be wearing a cloak of shame, beer goggles, a wine coat, a paper hat torn just so, tinsel, and the replacement slippers that I don't doubt have been bought for me by the most beautiful girlfriend for whom a young man could ever wish.

  4. Well i am hoping for a sewing machine from santa this year. So if he agrees that i have been a good girl and brings me my christmas wish i will be whizzing up something special immediately and wearing that! The fact that i have never used a sewing machine in my entire life has nothing to do with it. Optimism is a good thing lol. X

  5. I'm not quite sure yet, I think I shall wear my black velvet skirt and something red and festive on top. Long gone are the days when my Nanna would buy my sister and I a dress to wear on Christmas day!

  6. I think I have it sorted this year with sparkly leggings. Straddling glam with big lazy mess - and avoiding appetite suppressing waistbands...its the only sane choice!

  7. This Christmas day, I'll be wearing my Bridget Jones style knitted jumper to provide myself with secret amusement whilst my family quiz me as to why I don't have a boyfriend.

    As for the sausage dog, I'm totally with you! I've wanted one for 6 years now. I have even picked out a name. It was going to be Harry the Sausage Dog... then I went to SF and they didn't understand what a sausage dog was. Now the dog that I don't yet have is called "Harry the sausage weiner dog"... oh yeah, I'm cool like that!

  8. I have to work on Christmas day, so I will be in office wear :-( but with a snowman earrings, and a christmas hairband!
    Love those bags...

  9. I will be rocking 'festive geek chic' this christmas!! A nice little tan shirt dress with burgundy tights and brogues. Smart enough to please my granny and comfortable enough to over indulge!!!

  10. I have a gorgeous silver sparkly dress and a pair of suede shoe boots to wear!

  11. I've got a lovely dress with Robins on for Christmas day! Won't lie, I've already worn it to a mini Christmas party because I just couldn't wait! I can't get enough of the little feathered chaps!

  12. Black dress with gold applique, probably teamed with the Tetley nan slippers my niece promised me lol. And a smile.

  13. I am away from home this Xmas so wont be with the family ... hence just dressing 'casually'!

  14. I have a red dress wth a black belt hanging in the wardrobe that I had to buy but haven't had the occasion to wear yet - Christmas day will be the perfect chance to give it its debut.

    Oh and that sausage dog is simply just necessary!

  15. I'll be wearing PJs for as long as possible but will inevitably have to get dressed when our guests arrive, boooo! I haven't got as far as planning my outfit beyond the pyjamas, though...

  16. It has to be pyjamas all day on Christmas day. Staying snuggly and warm by the fire watching my 1 year old run around all day

  17. I'd like to think I'd be wearing my glam Monsoon red puffy dress but we all know I'll actually be wearing the leopard print onesie I know I'm getting...and maybe pretending to be a leopard.

    I want to have a sausage dog so much! We would call him Sherlock Holmes to match our cat, Professor Moriarty...

  18. Totally have the outfit planned (and has been for a while!!). I'm a high street kinda gal so all sourced from there! My black embellished Lipsy vest tucked in to a high waisted grey and black netted full skirt, teamed with a grey Miss Selifridge cardi with lots of Christmassy sequins on! Add some black satin heels and I'm good to go! Oh and on top of all this a novelty Christmas apron whilst cooking! :-) xx

  19. I've bought three sparkly, jewelled, embellished dresses from eBay so far to wear for Christmas Day, but haven't quite decided which to go for yet. Perhaps all three? I could do costume changes throughout the day! Whichever one I go for, I'll be wearing vintage rhinestone drop earrings and a vintage rhinestone necklace to match. Oh I love sparkles!

  20. Oo, tricky. For half the day I hope to be in pyjamas, before changing into something more respectable but no less comfortable - no point trying to pretend a pencil skirt + Christmas dinner is a good idea!

  21. I'll be wearing my snowflake jumper, mainly because my sister has emailed my family which consists of me, her, and 6 x 65 year olds and said that this year we all have to wear festive jumpers. This will be horribly cringworthy! sausage dog will make it all worth it :-)

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I'll be wearing a dark grey slouchy jumper dress and red tights - smart and nicely festive, with plenty of room for the inevitable Christmas feasting! Mmmmm....stuffing.....

  24. I’ll be wearing a glitzy black dress and sparkly blazer – both of which will show off my growing bump nicely, but will allow me room to move around and play with our dachshund puppy, Henry. Oh and teamed with comfy slippers of course!

  25. Giant fluffy dressing gown (pre-warmed on the radiator), knitted knee socks with pom poms and hopefully the microwavable Bagpuss slippers I've asked Santa for!

  26. I have every intention of staying in my pjs as long as possible as this is the first year at home for a long time with my son. For lunch, however I always choose a pair of really comfy but sexy black velvet palazzo pants and a sparkly red top (normally the one my 10 year old chooses me every year). Add my diamonds, chanel teint innocence, lancome hypnose black, and a gloss of Clarins Crystal Red. Chic, simple and comfortable!

  27. Normally, I'd be wearing a pretty dress and slippers, but this year I'm with the in-laws so it'll be smart for church and then a duvet (I'll miss the pretty dress though).

  28. i shall be wearing a beautiful cross over green jersey dress that gives me the perfect 1950s hour glass shape ... only you won't see it as being chief cook for my brood i shall be additionally wearing last years novalty buxom wench apron. By 3pm my nicely straightened hair shall have frizzed up and my mascarra will be sluecing down my face and i shall be puce from the kitchen heat and the gin. Footwear i'm going with my much loved irregular choice shoes or novalty dog with loloping tongue slippers. I'm so nigella at times.

  29. I'm going to wear a beautiful vintage red dress I have, with sparkly tights and a snuggly white coat. Oh and boots so that we can go play in the snow(that almost definitely we won't have)

  30. PJs for a good part of the day then some incredibly unfashionable countryside-appropriate walking gear for the obligatory (in our house) long Christmas walk.

  31. I'll be in pjs until I'm pestered to get changed for dinner, when I will then be wearing something big and baggy to hide the many, many helpings of Christmas Pudding that i'll be gobbling.

  32. I'll be wearing jeans and a tee-shirt no doubt. Like every year I will have a nice outfit planned, but like every year I will get involved with cooking, presents, chatting and before I change it will be all over!

  33. As I have to get dressed on Christmas Day (so as not to make others feel queasy) then it will be a sensible tweed trouser suit and some killer heels ;).

  34. I shall be performing the walk of shame in whatever I wore to dinner the night before, followed by a brief interlude in pyjamas on the sofa for coffee and pressies (if I've been good) swiftly followed by something suitable for visiting family ( jeans and a t-shirt) ;-)

  35. I'll be wearing a big pair of sweatpants so I can cram as much food in my face and be comfortable!

  36. Knitted dress with sparkly threads in, plus an apron most of the day until evening - time for the stripey long johns, the sofa and some Christmas cheese. Both edible and the televisual kind.

  37. start the day in my onesie, and a santa hat, then (whilst skillfully keeping the hat on) i'll change into a knitted jumper, leggings (for the elasticated waistband)and brothel creepers with socks to see the family :)

  38. I had an outfit planned (sparkly, festive...) but if I won this utterly adorable and covetable bag I would have to wear it with the equally adorable sausage dog-print dress from Oliver Bonas and a pair of dark red high heels. Long live coordinated outfits!

  39. I will be wearing a pink and black pinstripe 50's style wiggle dress, which i bought a few weeks back with patent heels (which i will be changing for stilletos when i find out which ones my husband has bought me for christmas yay for shoes)

  40. Laura ( December 2011 at 12:33

    I will be wearing a gray sparkly thigh-high dress with short sleeves, black leggings and glittery shoes!

  41. I will be in red penguin pjs and fluffy slippers opening pressies and eating turkey, Yum!

  42. I'm going to be wearing my special Christmas dress! :D I used to work for Evans, and one day I was unpacking stock when I discovered this dress, it was bright red and looked like it came out of a Christmas cracker, I instantly knew I had to own it! It reminded me so much of the silly dresses I used to wear as a child. I shall be teaming it with a pair of leggings (far too cold up north for tights) and my big snuggely green and red cardigan and of course some big fluffy slippers - which may have to turn in to wellies so I can take my dog for a walk in the woods.
    Normally I would, like Jodie K, be in my red Christmas penguin pjs, but when it comes to Christmas, I'm still a big kid and get overexcited and wake up stupidly early which my mum and sister don't appreciate. So I figured I should find a way to kill an hour so they can sleep more, so I get myself all glammed up ready to pop a bottle of fizz ready for breakfast bucks fizz! xx

  43. I will be wearing a festive red jumper with Snoopy on! And some tacky Christmas jewellery - well, why not? Trousers too, of course. Wouldn't want to forget those.

  44. My time will be split (hopefully equally) between a monkey onesie and a cleavage-y patterned dress so my boyfriend will be equally entertained whether we're in or out!

  45. I am going to be wearing as comfy an outfit as possible!

  46. We always spend the day in brand new pyjamas :)

  47. For the first 3 hours i will be wearing the stunning blue and yellow dress from monsoon that my mummy has bought me for christmas, with some gloriously clashing red patent heels. Unfortunately for the rest of the day i will be wearing a pair of bright green scrubs and working as an a&e doctor. I think you'll agree the scrubs would be much better if they were accessorized with a sausage dog purse!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I have my outfit ready! A silvery grey dress with a silver bow detail to the neckline, teamed with black tights and black suede platforms. Accessorized with a hat from a cracker and champagne glass of course!

  50. argh i love the sausage!!! I will be wearing maternity jeans and a jumper dress @lillyfer85

  51. I'll be wearing a pretty polka dot Vivien of Holloway dress - probably with fluffy slippers! Perhaps not very glam but definitely snuggly and warm. ;)

  52. If I had a 'onesie', that is what I would wear as I don't have to leave the house but, as I have not, I shall probably throw on opaque tights and a black and grey smock dress which has a huge button at the neck. (That sounds hideous but it really is a gorgeous dress!)

  53. Lesley ( December 2011 at 17:03

    I will be wearing my new Joe Browns gorgeous black dress, with opaque tights and my massive clumpy Madfish boots!

  54. Because all out christmas plans fell apart a bit this year and now there is just the two of us ...i've persuaded my husband to spend christmas day in fancy dress with me. we're both spending the day dressed as cheerleaders!! i have said he can out his jeans on under his skirt if we go for a walk but he has to keep his bunches in and carry the pompoms :-)

  55. I will be wearing jeans and a hoody with lots of layers underneath - we'll be with my parents in law and their house is freezing! And silly Christmas earrings to make it look festive.


    P.s. as funny as this is it's not a serous entry

  57. I'll be at my parents in the north of Scotland, so thinking warm... Probably a lovely blue jumper dress and thick tights, with boots and a full-length wool coat for when we go to church. The dog-purse would be the perfect addition to that...

  58. A joyfully colourful (and stretchy) jersey dress: It's uber comfy, suitably festive and will accommodate my expanding food filled belly!

  59. I think I will wear a dress, dint seem to dress up much at the moment. Have got a new black one with different colour leaves. Will wear this with thick black tights and a red cardi. I am sure my christmas apron will make an appearance. Too.

  60. I will be wearing my sexy little Santa outfit with bells on, frilly nickers and a big smile. :)

  61. I will wear a knitted dress with my 'christmas boots'!

  62. My teddy bear pj's and snoopy slippers :D

  63. I'll probably stay in my jim jams.

  64. this is really mean but we always wear something horrible that my nan has bought us, but we give it a xmas funky festive makeover, loads of spangles, baubles, tinsel, fabric paints (all out of our children's craft box).
    it's quite disappointing when she buys us something nice

  65. I'll be wearing something comfy like PJs and a jumper. But might try and dress up a bit in the evening (or if we have company!).

  66. i have got a nice black and white dress for xmas day



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