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Tuesday 26 November 2013

Shop in the Spotlight: Alice's Pig

I discovered Alice's Pig via American clothing favourite Modcloth. I'd spotted these bloody stupidly named 'blogger conference pants' (yes, really). After giggling to myself for a little while I realised that I really liked them and learnt that they were designed by a British company that I'd never heard of before. Alice's Pig is the creation of two siblings in Brixton, and they had nothing to do with the stupid naming of their kimono trousers.

Actually the Alice's Pig clothing line is pretty special. And their website is brilliantly designed in a sort of and fun to play with. And this harlequin dress is incredibly sexy.

This is a very excellent outfit. I am mega sorry for showing you something that's already sold out, but I think this piece illustrates just how well-cut and affordable the range is - the skirt/jacket combo was just £75.

I do like this lady and her t-bar/ankle sock combo. I also like this cute dress. I'm not usually the biggest fan of a peplum, but when it's teamed with a Peter Pan collar, I'm smitten. This is an excellent way to spend £66.

I wasn't totally taken with the skirts in the range, but Frances loved them. They're definitely her favourite pieces and this one ticks the tartan and pocket boxes (excellent boxes indeed). I might not be a huge fan of the skirt, but I think the blouse they've paired it with is beautiful. I like that none of the pieces in the shop are too matchy matchy.

Even though I can't wear a dropped-waist, I think this mustard dress is lovely. The yoke is so pretty! It's also £66. I really like the pieces in this current range and can't wait to see more of them. I might even wear one of their outfits to a blogger conference.


  1. that tartan skirt is amazing - I'm going to take a closer look now. Great find!

    1. I love all of their pieces apart from the skirts! I love the tartan, I'm just not a fan of dipped hems.

    2. I'm not a huge fan of the dipped hems either, but this one is gorgeous. Love the blouse they've shown it with too...

    3. I really love this range, I'm going to shut up about the skirt now.


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