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Friday 22 November 2013

The Boy and His Poison: The Sonic Screwdriver

The traditional Doctor Who cocktail should probably be a Banana Daiquiri but we do things differently here. I'll leave that on the dessert table. Instead my sonic screwdriver contains enough booze to make the room spin like a TARDIS, and sonic blue glow-in-the-dark ice (we know you like your foodstuffs to glow in the dark). This orange and vodka combination is a nod to the classic screwdriver, but with a bit of Time Lord inspiration.

With the aid of a UV torch, a bottle of tonic water with its magic quinine, you can create tiny booze filled lamps that simultaneously chill and suspend your drink in a blue glowy light (just don't forget to freeze your glasses the night before.)

Finally there's the garnish. This is a short drink and it warrants gentle sipping. Nothing makes sipping more interesting than the Heston-endorsed answer to all problems ... popping candy. So, switch on your UV lights, pour, and serve just in time for the time-bending action to start.

The Sonic Screwdriver (serves 1)
You'll need:
  • 50ml Vodka
  • 25ml Blue Curacao
  • 25ml Lime juice
  • Tonic Water
  • Popping candy
  • A squeeze of lemon juice 
Prepare your glasses:
  1. The night before you want your drinks, pour tonic water into your chosen glasses until they're a third full and pop them (carefully balanced, on a box of fish fingers perhaps) in the freezer.
  2. When you're ready for your drinks, squeeze the lemon juice onto a plate and use it to coat the rim of the glass.
  3. Dip a finger into the curacao and wipe round the rim of the glass.
  4. Pour the pop rocks onto a saucer before dipping the rim of the glass into the pop rocks.
Make it:
  1. In a shaker or large glass, mix the curacao, vodka and lemon juice.
  2. Pour into the centre of the glass avoiding the popping candy and serve with the UV light switch on.
  3. Sit back in wonder. 

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