I recently attended a party where guests were encouraged to dust off those poor despondents bottles of exotic liqueurs that we all have hidden away in the back of our cupboards and bring them along so we could invent our very own weird and wonderful cocktails.
This tequila based concoction was the result of my attempts. It certainly packs a punch but the tequila and orange blend is pretty darn tasty.
A really fun part of the process was naming our new drinks. This mainly involved a room full of increasingly tipsy people screaming out increasingly ridiculous names. In case you were wondering I blatantly stole the online moniker of one of my friends for the Aquadite. She was strangely honoured!
If blue isn't quite your thing then simple omit the blue curacao. It will pretty much taste the same but I doubt it will be as much fun.
You will need:
- 1 measure white tequila
- 1 measure orange liqueur (I used one that came in a bottle shaped like an orange but Cointreau will work just as well)
- 1 measure blue curacao
- Ice
Shake It!
1. Place all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker and shake like your life depends on it.
2. Strain into a fancy cocktail glass and pop in a cocktail cherry.
Ooooh, blue.