Plas y Dduallt (no, I probably can't pronounce it, I'm Welsh only in name) is in the heart of Snowdonia. It's the perfect base for countryside seclusion, and the two bedroom cottage is beautiful. It's Grade II listed and tucked into 140 acres of parkland. With very pretty views.
And some very happy friends in the garden. They'll lay you eggs for breakfast.
It's pretty, it's traditional, it's everything you'd expect from a country cottage in the Welsh hills. Just with one very special twist...
See that exciting steam train? You can get on that if you fancy. Not by booking on The Train Line, though. You can stand on your private halt 'Campbell's Platform' and stick out your hand and the train will stop. That's brilliant. Pack a picnic, stick our your hand and jump on the train to wherever you feel like going! You can buy a ticket for a week for £18.50.
How much will this pretty little cottage set you back? Just £360 to £590 per week depending on when in the year you book. Considering that the cottage can sleep four, that's a fantastic price for playing on trains and rolling down hills.
Plarse(!) Er Thee-ah-llt (ll - tongue tip on roof of mouth and blow)