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Friday 21 January 2011

Cute or Creepy? Abigail Ahern Bulldog Lamp

Opinion was fiercely divided when we featured a teddybear with a lamp for a head last May, but what about a ceramic bulldog with a lamp coming out of his head? Personally, I reckon this glum-looking bad boy would be quite sweet sat by a fireplace.

Designed by Abigail Ahern, he's hand-made in England and comes with a taffeta shade made in Paris. And for the readers who aren't so struck on bulldogs, there are similar versions featuring a poodle or a greyhound.

What do you reckon? Guaranteed to scare off visitors as well as intruders, or on the charming side of surreal? He's sold by the French Bedroom Company and will set you back £295. But at least you won't have to take him for walks.


  1. Um... I think the bulldog on it's own is adorable... however the lamp dangling above it's head detracts from the beauty... It might just be the choice of shade though.

  2. Juts checked the Poodle version and it suits the lampshade design a LOT more...

  3. Creepy. But then, I'm not a bulldog fan.

  4. Is it an ornament?... Is it a lamp?... Yes it is!

  5. It looks a bit like a pimped up version of the conical hood dogs wear after a visit to the vet, except it's hovering over his head in a surreal way!

  6. I wish he didn't look so sad. If he looked happier it would be like the bulldog had suddenly had a great idea.


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