When I was a kid, I remember my mum having metal tins of 'stuff'. This stuff was mostly old coins (not from any particular country, I was fascinated by the pesetas with their little holes), little spools of thread, buttons. Nothing anyone needs. All that stuff that no one knows where to put anywhere.
Then I found these tins at Liberty by Froy & Dind, and they're perfect for putting all my pointless stuff in.

I love the little turtles on this tin. None of my Mum's tins had turtles on. They have little headscarves! The rectangle tins range from £11.50 to £16.95. Small price to pay for turtles.

The small oval boxes are £5.95 each. I'll keep buttons in this, even though I can't really sew buttons on to things and forget to do it.

And this butterfly tin? It can keep my secret things in. Secret plans and schemes, love letters, chocolate bars. Get your mits off my secret things.
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