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Wednesday 3 June 2009

Cooking Time Old fashioned sweeties

When you were a kid, how cool was counting up all of your twenty pences and running to the shop to buy some sweets? And then spending aaaaaaaaaaages choosing between a quarter of pear drops, or rhubarb and custards. I always went for the latter It seems that old habits die hard, as I'm just about to order some more! These old fashioned jars of sweeties from Cooking Time are only £2.95! I'll keep them on my desk for munching while I type.

Mmmm my favourite.

Om nom nom nom.

Which are your favourite?


  1. When I was a kid we didn't have twenty pences:(
    Fab little jars of sweets though, almost a shame to open them.....almost

  2. Hehe! You will though! And then eat them all without sharing.


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