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Monday 25 October 2010

Get Hitched

Behold! There might not be a more perfect pencil skirt in all the land. I love the pencil shape. Nothing office-y can rival it for sexy sophistication (don't argue with me about looking sexy in the office, there's nothing wrong with it). But pencil skirts are sometimes a little bit dull, aren't they? Sometimes I want a more interesting shape.

And that more interesting something is all rolled into this grey skirt from Miss Selfridge. I love the hitching, it's so cute (and the back isn't hitched, so I won't add any extra padding to my ass). The bow being just a little off to the side is the perfect detail. It's still a smart enough skirt to wear to meetings, just with a cute little twist. Only £32, too.

1 comment:

  1. This is a freakin stunning skirt, I agree.

    -The Gilded Crow


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