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Thursday 28 October 2010

You deserve a medal!

This week I have been spending a lot of time thinking about motherhood. My baby girl was a whole 7 years old, every birthday gets me a little bit harder! Plus there seemed to be a whole glut of new babies arriving, including a new arrival for our very own Selina. Seriously was there something in the water 9 months ago?!
Anyway, I can honestly say that motherhood is one of the greatest and most rewarding 'jobs' I have ever had *but* it it is also pretty darn hard. I think all those amazing mothers out there deserve a medal and if I could I would send everyone of them this very lovely wooden round medal brooch from Lost at Sea, which costs £12, and is available from their online shop.

And isn't this just the perfect card to accompany said medal. Its by Tea and Ceremony and costs £2.50

As a wee disclaimer, I also think that there are lots of fantastic daddies out there but today I am all about the mummy!

So, who do you think deserves a medal today?


  1. The baby glut is because of the snow in January and cold long winter (according to midwives!).

    And, unconnectedly, I love your site.

  2. Aaah that makes sense! I was aware of the September and May baby glut from Christmas/New Year celebrations and summer holidays respectively but wasn't quite so sure about all these late October babies!!


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