Over the knee socks have been a desirable ever since Cher rocked them in Clueless. But it takes a certain kind of look to wear them, and no matter how cool I think they look, they're not the easiest of things to wear. They're also a little bit cold, if you're wearing shorts or a tiny skirt to show them off, you'll get shivery. So, I plan on cheating after seeing a fabulous-looking girl wearing knee-high socks over tights, I'll be 'borrowing' her look with these babies:

These are perfect if you've not tried over the knee socks before. The ruffle tops are cute too. They're £8 from Urban Outfitters (who frankly could have put the model in a pair of heels instead of making her stand on tippy toes).

These pinstripe socks from River Island look so snuggly (by the way, loving their website redesign, so much easier to shop on there now). And they're a purse-friendly £4.99 too. But, I'd remove that little bow.

If you really want to channel Miss Cher (she was a 90s style icon, after all), then these preppy argyle patterned socks are perfect. Wear them with a little black shift dress. They're £8 from Topshop.

These are my favourite. They're sexy, they're cute, the handmade, and they're made from bamboo so they'll be snuggly soft and strokey too. They're $9.50 from Pinkpong on Etsy. They'll cost you $3.60 in postage too, but that's worth it for such prettiness.
"You're a virgin who can't drive!" I love Clueless. Love the socks too, especially the last pair.
ReplyDelete"And until mankind is peaceful enough not to have gun crime and wars on the news, there's no point in taking it out of shows who need it for entertainment value!"
i love LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE long socks! These are adorable *heart*
ReplyDeleteYey! I tried the tights + long socks look a while back and am loving the fact I have an excuse to do it again. Some socks are just too pretty to hide under trousers.
ReplyDeleteIt's the only way you could wear the with a skirt and not freeze. And there's no point wearing them under a skirt any longer than the tops!
ReplyDeleteI think they look fab with tights (and without when it gets warmer). Goosebumps are never a good look.
I don't know about this... I feel that as someone who was old enough to fully appreciate Clueless back in 1995, I'm probably too old to be rocking the knee-highs!
ReplyDeleteI was only 13 when it came out! Try a darker pair if you're not sure.
ReplyDeleteWeird. I was wearing over-knees over tights yesterday. Have I been spotted? ;) (I WISH!!)
ReplyDeleteWhen I went to New York this past March I noticed a number of women/older teenage girls wearing over the knee socks OVER tights so that they were sticking out above their just under their knee-high boots. I actually thought it looked pretty cool in most cases.
ReplyDeleteI remember fondly two pairs of over-the-knees socks I bought from Miss Selfridge after watching Clueless one too many times (and a tartan mini kilt of course!) Debating whether I'm too old this time around, perhaps over tights/under boots I can just about pull it off!
ReplyDeleteYes under boots and over tights is a good look and easy to carry off for the less brave (me). Not sure I'm young enough for just the socks and a skirt, might be a bit too 'Sexy School disco'.
ReplyDeleteFrances: I was rocking the tartan mini kilt too! One of the reasons I can't bring myself to buy another this time round, though they look great.