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Monday 24 October 2011

Design Porn: Armadillo Bread Bin

Does anyone remember that Dime bar advert about armadillos? The one that said they were crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside? Well that's pretty much how I want my bread to be.

I spend a long time staring at Bodie & Fou, and this gorgeous armadillo bread bin will keep my bread crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. It's not from Bodie & Fou, it's actually on their sister site I only discovered them at the weekend and my lunchtime procrastination just went up a notch.

It's brushed aluminium and will keep your bread fresh and look lovely in your kitchen. It's not cheap at £67.50, and I'll probably play opening and shutting it for far too long and burn my toast. It's a very, very cool piece of design.


  1. That is beautiful. But it looks like it's curled up asleep, and I'd be worried about disturbing it when I got my bread out (I am special).

  2. I have been coveting this bread bin for over a year now. It is slightly ridiculous that I should covet a bread bin. But look at it?! It's an incredible bread bin.

    (I have now said 'bread bin' so much that words sounds alien to me.)

  3. I love him. Yep, it's a him. A sleepy, bready him.

  4. It is perfect and I want one. Now.


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