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Thursday 13 October 2011

Design Porn: Breathless Banquets

Usually when I throw a party at Sluttery HQ, paper plates and cups are bought from the supermarket along with the gin and limes. But that was before I knew about Breathless Banquets. And now I want a Halloween party just so I can buy paper plates.

The whole range looks rather dramatic, doesn't it?

Yep, they're paper plates. There are spooky cups too.

Bunting that isn't even a little bit twee! Cups start at £3.50 from Talking Tables.

Of course, Sluttery HQ doesn't look like the Gothic mansion used in the photographs, but Breathless Banquets manages to avoid looking like a kids' Halloween party. But just because my paper plates are cool, that doesn't mean that I won't be doing any apple bobbing.

1 comment:

  1. Well they really are the most stylish paper plates I ever did see.


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