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Wednesday 28 April 2010

Bollocks to Baking: Whoopie for Elvis!

It was a while back that we told you about the weird but wonderful baked beauties that are Outsider Tart's Whoopie Pies. But I've been keeping an eye on the US-style boutique bakery ever since, and was intrigued and salivating slightly to learn they've just launched a brand new flavour in honour of fellow Mississippian, the King himself.

Based on Elvis' infamous love of peanut butter, honey, bacon and banana sandwiches browned in a frying pan, they've created an Elvis-themed Whoopie Pie, consisting of a sandwich of two layers of soft cakey-biscuit goodness, filled with a thick creamy concoction of peanut butter, honey and pancetta. They're £3 each from Outsider Tart.


  1. Oh, don't even!! As a ridiculously in-love Elvis fan and ex-pastry chef, I don't think I could be more happy with the idea of this! Nom nom nom...

  2. Goodness, you could have a heart attack just looking at them.

    I heartily approve.

  3. Th Whoopie Man makes the best whoopie cakes. He's selling them at Selfridges, Harrods and Fortnum & Masons. YUM

  4. Thanks for the comments, folks! I am drooling at the thought. And thanks for the tip-off about The Whoopie Man, I hadn't heard of him before so shall investigate!

  5. Are we reading the same post?! Pancetta - that's MEAT - in a cake? It's madness!

  6. Ha - exactly my thoughts! My reading of that went mmmm, yes, yum, delicious, WHOA I'LL STOP YOU THERE


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