It's hard to believe that anyone can beat both the likes of children and Just Seventeen for sophistication but I believe Clara Lacey's prints manage it. The letters of the alphabet are represented visually, each based around a different, all grown-up theme. Crafty in the kitchen, gifted in the garden or efficient in the office? There's an ABC for you.
For example, here's her Kitchen ABC. I like the fact that though the objects look random, there's an underlying order to it all which explains why the air freshener is next to the broom and why that's then next to the cat and dish rack.

Not being blessed with green fingers, I'm a bit rubbish at naming everything in the Garden ABC though I imagine it would be really good if you're handy with a pair of secateurs (not pictured). However, even I can tell that this print uses the Just Seventeen fail safe of 'Zzzzz' for the 'Z'. As Clara Lacey otherwise seems to be a very talented lady I'll let her off in this case.
My favourite is the Office ABC. From a rolodex to a zip disk via a xerox machine, there's something about office life that works when presented in this way. The print shows lots of bits and bobs I actually own, like the lego usb stick or the Penguin book mug or indeed the Yorkshire tea. They somehow look a lot prettier in the illustrations than they ever do sat on my desk.
Picked your favourite too? Well, you'll need to move quickly as each print is a limited edition of 50. Buy one for £58 from Elphicks.
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