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Tuesday 20 April 2010

Cupboard Lust: Teacup Cupcakes

What's that you say? A baking accessory combing Domestic Sluttery's unconditional adoration for both cupcakes and teacups? Oh my, they simply must be mine.

The perfect addition to any self-respecting tea party, those clever so-and-sos at Fred have used ultra-modern silicone to create these teacup-shaped baking moulds. So all you need to do is pour your cupcake batter into the teacups, bake in the oven as usual, then instead of tipping the cakes out of the moulds as you would normally, you decorate and serve up in their teacups on the accompanying saucers. They'll look something like this:

You only get four in a set, which is a slight hitch as they're so gorgeous and original that anyone you entertain will be certain to want one. But, at only £11.95 for a set of four, it won't break the bank to splash out on another if you find you can't make 'em quick enough to keep your guests happy. You can buy yours from Prezzybox.


  1. Ooh I have these! They work very well with the hummingbird bakery green tea cupcakes recipe. Yum!

  2. Thanks Holly, we can't wait to try them!

  3. I got them via Amazon for a tenner (with postage) and baked some Primrose Bakery Earl Grey cupcakes in them - ever so cute (and tasty!)

  4. Nice work! And that's a bargain too...


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