One of the most irritating things about having large hands is buying gloves. If, like me, your fingers span at least an octave and a half, then buying bits to keep your hands warm is a real sod.
You can just about fudge it with woollen gloves, which stretch, but they're rubbish when the rain and snow comes. And if your taste is more towards leather then things get decidedly trickier, particularly if you have long fingers. While my default setting for everything wintry is Marks and Sparks, their large-size gloves are anything but. Accessorize? Ha.
In fact, most of the high street do very poorly by women with large hands. Your palms can be average, but if you have long fingers then you'll be very boringly used to not being able to close your gloved hands properly for the simply reason that the gloves stop at least an inch before your digits do.
Last year, I was given these absolutely ravishing gloves from Cordings of Piccadilly. Red gloves are a real weakness of mine, and these are a particularly beautiful pair. As well as fitting long fingers perfectly, the gloves go a few inches up the wrist (did you mark the buttons? Lovely) which is very handy for counteracting the similarly annoying factor of most high street jumpers stopping three quarters of the way down one's arms.
At £65, these are a real investment, but one I wholeheartedly recommend. Girls with large hands and fingers tend to draw the short straw when it comes to beautiful gloves. I, er, lost one of mine this year - gloves, along with umbrellas, are things I'm apparently not meant to keep - so will be forking out for a new set soon.
For a slightly cheaper (albeit shorter) option, Long Tall Sally are doing lambswool-lined leather gloves for £45, but I haven't tried those yet for the simple reason that I can't be bothered to drag myself to their Baker Street shop until winter stock comes in.
YES! I have great big flapping clown hands that are often freezing, so I will be investing in these. Thanks Kat!
ReplyDeleteI'm not a tall girl, but I DO have stupid long skinny fingers. Am a massive fan of Accessorize's leather gloves. Not sure if they'll be right for all, but they deserve the thumbs up for skinny fingers. And they're only twenty quid.
ReplyDeleteSadly Accessorize gloves stop an inch before my fingers do so I can't bend them.
ReplyDeleteOh dear. Then maybe they're just for stupid skinny fingers.
ReplyDeleteI have the opposite problem and have to buy children's gloves :(
ReplyDeleteNo such thing as leather gloves for me, only "magic" gloves with rubber snowflakes and the such.
Corazie that's rotten! Do you know what size you are? There's a useful guide to sizing on the Dents website, then we could have a look and find some nice ones for you. http://www.dents.co.uk/pages/Sizing.asp
ReplyDeleteAccessorize are doing a very similar pair for the princely sum of £15. In varying colours and also different fabrics. Yum!
ReplyDeleteBut as Kat said, Anon - they aren't the right size for tall girls.
ReplyDeleteThank you! Woolly ones in stock too now! http://www.cordings.co.uk/ladieswear/ladies-accessories/plum-long-plain-wool-button-cuff-gloves.html