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Tuesday 21 February 2012

Cute or Creepy? The Chocolate Deli Skull

Two weeks ago we were writing about chocolate hearts with secret messages in and we should probably be gearing up to write about chocolate bunnies and chocolate ducks and all things Easterish. But I say piffle to that (yes, piffle). I want to write about chocolate skulls.

The Chocolate Deli in Norfolk have gone all Damien Hirst with their chocolate treats and this solid skull is pretty chilling. But it'll be tasty and chilling. Perhaps it's creepier because it's lifesize - at first glance it looks pretty realistic to me.

I don't care. I want one. They're £60 each (and come in less fun milk and dark chocolate) but they weigh a whopping 2.5 kilos each. Woah.

I love them, but what say you? Cool? Cute? Creepy? Just plain tasty?


  1. I think the skull is pretty cool! Just imagine snaffling a tooth as you walk past - yum! (Although it'd be even better if you could get the teeth in dark chocolate if you had the white skull, and vice versa...)

  2. Choccywoccydoodah do them too. And they're closer than Norfolk!

  3. So cool! They should make a chocolate version of those models of bodies you get in school. It would be both educational and tasty...

    1. You want a whole chocolate skeleton? A whole chocolate Funny Bones family? In a dark dark wood...

  4. My friends had a dark chocolate one of these sprayed with edible gold as their wedding cake topper. It looked amazing. I've been coveting it ever since but now I know where I can get my own :)

    1. Edible glitter sounds like a really nice touch. As a wedding cake topper?! Love it.

  5. Bit chavvy if there's such a thing as chavvy chocolate..

  6. Hotel Chocolat had a 2D skull with gold leaf on for Halloween. Looked beautiful ... bet it tasted it too!

    1. I think you have to hit it with a hammer to get into it. I approve.

  7. I am going to order one of these for my wedding topper. The lady was really lovely on the phone and said that you can have layers of different chocolate and customise it to make it look more gory etc. I think this looks better than the choccywoccydoodah one! Can't wait to get one!

    1. What an interesting idea for a wedding cake!


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