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Tuesday 28 February 2012

Sunshine Brights

Perusing the Kurt Geiger website generally goes like this: "Oooh they're lovely, I must have them immediately. THEY'RE HOW MUCH? I HATE YOU." A case in point is these gorgeous ice cream-inspired flat shoes that I've cooing over for days. I'm not paying £160 for flats. Not even mega pretty ones.

But I can't let these chunky sunglasses pass me by. I just can't. I concur that sixty quid is a lot to spend on sunnies, but I've only ever sat on a pair once. I live in sunglasses throughout spring and summer. Massive ones that work brilliantly as hayfever shields and hangover hiders. If I could wear them throughout winter without looking like a grade A tool I would do.

I love them, they must be mine. My love/hate relationship with Kurt Geiger is about to start all over again.


  1. Oh I love these! I got my current sunglasses for a tenner from TK Maxx back in 1998 - I think that entitles me to spend £60 on a new pair, right?

  2. only £60! Us folk who need (complex) prescription lenses pay a bit (lot!) more than that. They are rather nice though :)


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