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Thursday 9 February 2012

DIY saviour! Beautiful brackets

If you'd told me that the thing I'd be most excited about finding this week was something to hold up shelves, I would have been very sad indeed.

And yet, here I am enthusing about shelf brackets. I'm getting a long shelf fitted above the doors in my hall so that I no longer have to sleep on or near my book collection like some insane dragon, but rather than leave my builder to come back with unsexy metal ones that look like they've escaped from B&Q's Sensible Shoes Shelving Section, I had a hunt instead.

IKEA Ekby Mans brackets, £7 a pair

I really like these IKEA brackets; they're fun and would make a lovely feature pair on one shelf, although might be slightly overpowering on any more. If you're getting your shelving from the giant store then these are worth a look.

Black Country Metalworks Bridge Iron Shelf Brackets (330mm x 295mm), £24.99 each

Time for something a big bigger - these are pricey but you get what you pay for, beautifully-made brackets that are inspired by the "Famous Iron Bridge" in Coalbrookdale. If, like me, you are less than au fait with your famous bridges, then you will admire it simply for its style and variety of colours and finishes. Black Country Metalworks do a stunning range of brackets that's worth perusing even if you're not planning on buying any. So pretty.

For classic Victorian-style brackets, I would advise heading to the wonderfully named Mat and Jane's Knobs and Knockers eBay store. They sell lots of really lovely things anyway, but repro Victorian brackets like these, made out of cast iron, cost from £12.99 + £4.99 P&P which isn't bad going. Plus you get to giggle immaturely while doing your shopping which, for me at least, is a fundamental joy in buying online.

Wilkinson 160mm decorative bracket, £1.68 each

I needed 16cm ones for my shelves and fell completely in love with these. I know they're over the top and curlier than a Jane Austen character's handwriting - and that's why I love them. They're available in different sizes and colours, and most importantly, they're a bargain price.


  1. These are all lovely, and I'm amazed that my favourites are the cheapest. Have you ever tried floating shelves with invisible brackets? They're a right flipping pain to install.

    1. I just came back to apologise for leaving such a boring DIY based comment. Zzz.

  2. Anthropologie have some beautiful brackets. They are expensive but lovely if you want to make a statement with just a single shelf. Laura B xx

  3. Typically, I like the most expensive ones. Or should I say, I really really really like the most expensive ones, sigh...


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