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Wednesday 8 February 2012

Sites we love: Paris versus New York

I've never been to New York, but I dream of going on day soon. In the same with that my teenage self knew that one day I'd move to London, I know I'll get to New York some day. Maybe even this summer if I'm lucky. Until then I'll have to rely on reruns of Friends and An Affair to Remember for my New York fix.

I've only been to Paris a couple of times, and I love it there. Mainly for the architecture. But also it's a lot about the pastries. They're so very good at the pastries. Parisian ladies always have good hair, too.

Put the two opposing cities in one blog and I'm a happy camper. Paris verus New York (a tally of two cities) now has a book coming out and it'll be full of these gorgeous prints.

Don't make me choose between pastries and pastrami.

Running running running.

Cheese in two ways.

Gorgeous designs, such simple contrasts.

Paris versus New York is £9.80 on Amazon. Buy it now, start plotting your trips.

1 comment:

  1. Funny you should post these today because I saw these prints when I was browsing on society6 last night. You can buy them individually there:


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