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Wednesday 29 February 2012

Design Porn: titiMadam

BOO! How cheering is this picture?

Sara's lovely concept of "joy snacks" yesterday reminded me of a particular snacky joy that has been gracing my red cardigan for the last few weeks. It's taken me a while to write about this adorable company, mostly because I keep forgetting what it's called and have therefore been wandering around with my brow furrowed going, "Tits? Madam?" like a deranged pervert.

TitiMadam is a wonky portmanteau of Tiina Hakala and Adam Rowe, two furniture designers who also run and design the TitaMadam range of jewellery, which incorporates lasercut perspex, walnut and metal designs in incredibly cheering shapes, and a wide variety of colours.

Knowing my fondness for all things selachian, my friend Helen gave me the blue version of their utterly gorgeous shark brooch as a late Christmas present, and so I fell in love with them.

Each item has a name, which ordinarily I'd find a bit irritating, but actually now just like. What a contrary sod I am. Here's Juan.

The only thing I find baffling is that their earrings are sold individually so you have to buy two. Maybe they get a lot of pirate trade?

Aleksi the ostridge earring, £8 each

Their metal jewellery is just as delicate and pretty - while I'd like to wear a giant Adam the giraffe across my chest, I fear I'd just be playing to the "Oh ha ha, she's 6'1 what a hilarious joke" crowd, but this birdcage is simply enchanting.


  1. It *is* a cheering picture. I am cheered.

  2. See, the fact they've named them makes me want to adopt them immediately and take them home. I could walk past a deer necklace, but a Juan the Bambi one? He's coming straight back to mine.

  3. They sell the earrings separately so you can buy a different one for each ear obviously(!) Tch - call yourself a style guru?

    1. Hey Anonymous! I've never called myself a style guru. Anyone who calls themselves a guru tends to be, by and large, a total idiot.

      Buying one earring a piece is completely pointless unless you are a punk in the 1980s. Why not sell them in pairs, then you can buy more pairs and mix them up?

    2. I'm all for mismatching, but not when it comes to earrings. It's a bit like buying two different coloured shoes...


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