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Wednesday 26 September 2012

A Perfect Autumn Skirt From ASOS

ASOS check midi skirt, £45
This week, all I want to do is dribble over the incredible Mari Tote from Accessorize that Elizabeth wrote about. (Blue snakeskin? £38? Yes please!)

But in between rendering my keyboard both damp and a health hazard, I've been sighing over this  fantastic red check midi skirt from ASOS. Ignore the weird cowgirl does Grease in an opticians styling: this skirt needs something pretty and vampy to make the most of those lovely colours.

I saw it in this weekend's Fabulous magazine where they styled it with a pretty black shirt from - although given their poor customer service record among DS readers, you might want to shop around - and some black Jaspar Conran heels. Witness:
So preeeetty. Excellent styling, Fabulous, well done.
As the world's peariest pear, I am a huge fan of flared skirts of any length (my one and only mini could double as a lamp shade) and I really love the colour. The high waist nips you in, and you can pop a nice belt over it for extra cinch. Perfect for autumn and a reasonable investment at £45.

How would you style yours? (Douze points to anyone who says "With a creme egg.")


  1. I think I'm too short for skirts this length. I'd drown in tartan. But I can see you rocking this look. (Not with ankle boots, though. DOWN WITH THOSE ANKLE BOOTS.)

  2. Oh, I love this. It's very Twin Peak chic. So much so, I think I'll style mine with some black coffee, doughnuts and a marathon Cooper session. (An Audrey Horne 50s-style sweater would also work very well.)

  3. Oh my, it is gorgeous. However, as per usual with the many beautiful things you tease me with, it does not go up to my size (what size 16 has a 32" waist?!). I'd love a DS style plus size posts - its becoming increasingly difficult to find anything worth buying in my size, that I've given up and just wear ill fitting jeans and my boyfriends jumper.

    I dream of high waisted jeans that can accomodate my generous proportions, of shirts and jackets that sit at the right points and do up over my boobs and stomach. Of dresses that flatter rather than ruching and stretching in all the wrong points.


    1. Hi Melanie - I wrote you a lovely long reply on my phone last night, hit post and the damn thing disappeared. So sorry for taking a while to reply!

      You are in luck re plus size posts: Hazel, in between cooking and whipping up the sexiest food photography I've ever seen, is putting together a mammoth post all about it. Friend of DS Gemma Cartwright does a wonderful site called Big Girls Browse ( which you should bookmark immediately - and what about SLiNK? You CLEARLY must be reading SLiNK!

      Also try and - both a great plus-sized style blogs in the UK. XOJane is also fabulous for plus-sized fashion pieces.

      Regarding your size question though, bear in mind this is a high-waisted skirt designed literally to fit on the waist. I'm a very typical size 14, and my waist-waist is 30" (whereas Topshop jeans 14 is a 32", it's all about where they sit) so do try.

      As a very tall, large-footed girl, I sympathise with your not finding fashion that falls in your lap. But you just have to seek it out! Go forth and have fun.

    2. I can not wait to see the post!

      Thanks for the reply Kat, I often check out Big Girls Browse, and read slink on and off. Just love the style you girls have! I shall check out the other links too.

      Thanks again!

  4. The top model has me thinking more Chloe Sevigny in Big Love than Audrey Horne. No?

    1. Oh I haven't watched Big Love, but if she looks as good as that top model I think I'll have to. This may take a while, I'm woefully behind on TV, always. I confess that I only watched Twin Peaks this year.

  5. Big Love is great, Chloe rocks as a sister wife (kind of mormon hipster chic). Twin Peaks is brilliant, I need to re-watch as I've not seen since I got my season 1 box set on DVD quite a few years ago.


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