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Thursday 13 September 2012

Sluttery by Post: Funghi Futures

If you're not a mushroom fan, this is not the Sluttery By Post feature for you (you should join Go Postal instead). Funghi Futures are - as the name might suggest - all about mushrooms. I love mushrooms in all of their tasty ways (except those Chinese straw mushrooms, they have no place in my takeaway) and will put them in almost anything I make.

But this isn't as simple as getting a box of mushrooms in the post. Instead, Funghi Future gourmet mushroom kits use recycled coffee to create a little mushroom harvest.

What the hell? Coffee mushrooms? That sounds all sorts of bad and wrong. Apparently, the mushrooms won't smell and taste off coffee, or contain any caffeine, it's just a nifty way of recycling a suitable product. Nifty.

You'll get two harvests from your little kit - about half a kilo. This is definitely enough to make mushroom saag, steak and mushroom pie and maybe even some mushroom pate. You pay £12.95 (plus a fiver postage) and then you get to play mushroom gardener. But not in the hallucinating drugsy kind of way. It's not 1999.

The kits currently grow pearl oyster mushrooms, but I'd love to see the range expand so I get to try exciting new varieties. I'm too scared to go and pick them myself (I would pick the wrong ones, and I would die) so this is a nice little inbetween. It's a bit like gardening, it's a bit like foraging, but really it's just getting stuff in the post while I'm watching Jeremy Kyle.

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