You'll need to be able to cover everything we feature so your cooking skills need to be as good as your ability to hunt out the very best in design (cheese on toast won't cut it, even if you have fabulous taste in shoes). Got something new and exciting to show us? Brilliant. We're definitely looking for someone with blogging experience - we won't be budged on that. We'd love for you to be able to do two posts a week so you'll still have plenty of time for gin-drinking and a 9-5.
We really don't mind where in the UK you live (we're not ready for take over the world just yet - sorry overseas folks). We don't have a Sluttery office so you can work from home under your duvet, or your favourite cafe (please tell us where it is). The Domestic Sluttery positions are paid, although you won't be moving to a penthouse apartment any time soon, it will keep you in cocktails. And sometimes you get those for free. In fact, awesome samples and treats are a definite Sluttery perk.
Think you should be our next Domestic Slut? Just email us and tell us a bit about yourself. Link to your previous work or current blog, and tell us the very first thing you'd write about on Domestic Sluttery. We've got a closing date this time - you've got just a week to impress us so make sure you've applied by 5pm on 10th October.