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Wednesday 30 November 2011

Bag Lust: Topshop Dalmation Box Bag

Box bags are like sexy, grown up satchels. Especially this red and black number from Topshop. I must confess a slight addiction to red and black animal print but I think I'd be drawn to this regardless. The size means you can fit quite a bit of stuff in but not be lugging around unnecessary items. And it can do the important day to night multi-tasking which is especially handy if you've got lots of post-work drinks to go to in the run up to Christmas.

Oh and it's a little bit furry. That makes it like a small useful pet and who doesn't want to carry one of those around? You can get your own furry pet bag for £32.


  1. I also love red and black animal print. I think this goes to the top of my Christmas wishlist.

  2. Beyond cool bag! Size DOES count where I am concerned : )

  3. Oh you know I love a box bag but NO NO NO.

  4. At first I thought I loved it but now that I've pictured myself carrying it around I'm not so sure...I could go for it as a clutch bag though


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