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Tuesday 15 November 2011

Ooooh ... gin!

Myself and my dashing partner in life and crime spent Saturday in foodie heaven at Master Chef Live and The Wine Show at London's Olympia. We had a fab time and met some awesome people. Not least the rather charming Seam Limbrey of Limbrey's London Dry Gin. Now, anyone who's anyone will know that it's part of the Sluttery code to be at least a little in love with gin. Actually, scrap that - a LOT in love with gin. So, when it's 11am on a Saturday morning and a dashing chap offers you a tipple, it'd be rude to say no.

Limbrey's is blooming gorgeous. After an initial taster of Limbrey's with cranberry, I got chatting to Sean (I was admiring his awesome Limbrey's tee shirt). He looked me up and down and, before I knew it, he was proffering some neat gin for met to sample. (He obviously say straight through my "sophisticated journalist" guise.)

Well, when he told me it was as smooth as a baby's bum, he wasn't wrong. I'd put Limbrey's up there alongside the likes of Thackeray. It's that nice. And all this from a company that doesn't even have a website.

You can, however, find them on Facebook, and get in touch to purchase some of their gorgeous gin or even one of their uber-cool tees. There's some serious Banksy-style branding going on, and they've even got their own Gin Act. I for one reckon these guys are one to watch.

Limbrey's Gin Act
i. Embrace the oddball not the highball
ii. Start a class of your own
iii. Be the one who brings something new to the table
iv. Put your old habits on ice

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe they don't have a website! Madness. Did they say they had any plans to roll one out anytime soon?


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