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Wednesday 16 November 2011

Pin Ups

There's something eminently satisfying about firmly pushing a pin into cork. Whether it's making a mood board, or maybe amassing your reviews, or taking up a snapshot of a loved one to keep in view - or like me, pinning reminders and receipts that I'm bound to lose somewhere safe.

I love this kaleidoscopic display of Phil Proctor's Button Pins. It's colour, upcycling and a hint of haberdashery all in one prettily-boxed set. They're available in sets of 20, coordinated by hue, for £12.

Now which one - yellows? Blues? Both, then mix and match?

1 comment:

  1. I'll never forget a line in a play I went to see when I was in high school. The youngish girl in the play was sitting there pushing pins into cork, and she said that doing so "gave her a strange and perfect feeling in her pants."

    It's been like 18 years and I still laugh when I think of that. I mean, would YOU forget a line like that? Snort.



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