Built in a weekend by some friends on a music hack course in Boston, you type in a singer, a group, or Bob Dylan, and it'll give you a drink 'suggestion' so you don't have to listen to it alone. Even better, they've tied it into Last.fm so when you get your suggestion - "The Bat For Lashes: 1 bottle red wine, serve at room temperature garnished with a maraschino cherry" - you'll get some tunes as well.
As a Bob Dylan disliker, I particularly enjoyed his suggestion - Sipsmith Gin and cough syrup in a highball glass - but I think The Cure - 1 bottle cocaine on the rocks with sugar - would do for us all.
Well done to @leyink, @han, and @flaneur for making such a brilliantly gigglesome site. I can honestly say I have wasted far too much time on it this week.
If only it magically delivered the drink as well! Next invention: a USB drinks dispenser.
ReplyDeleteYou've destroyed my working day!
ReplyDeleteI'm a little bit guilty of trying to catch it out with obscure bands. It's like trying to Google wack. But they know EVERYTHING.