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Thursday 12 January 2012

Black + Blum's Box Appetit

I went over to my friend Annabel's for supper last night and, as has been tradition since we were both about 9, to watch her steam through a couple of hours of Zelda.

Annabel got hitched in June (you can get the recipe for the cocktail I invented for her here, it's lush) and, as a result, her flat is a treasure trove of grown-up wedding list stuff and really excellent toys.

I got most excited about this little gadget, the Box Appetit. Great pun. Douze points to whoever came up with that.
It's a lunch box, yes, but it has a triangular compartment for your sandwich, or fruit, and a separate dressing pot for your salad so it doesn't go all damp and useless before you get around to eating it. There's also a dimple in the watertight lid so sushi fans can pour in their soy sauce. Annabel's came with a little pair of chopsticks, but you can get them with a fork, too.


Black + Blum are based in the OXO Tower's shops, or you can order a Box Appetit for £15.95 here. It's a bit steep, but then that's what wedding lists (and birthdays) are for.


  1. I have had one of these for almost a year now. I found one in a cute shop in Port Isaac and I use it probably every other day so it certainly is worth the investment. The sealing handle broke off a couple of months ago and I was able to get a new lid for no cost, so customer service from the brand is excellent. There's also a cute cookbook that you can get to go with it with ideas for lunches. I'm a fan.

  2. I bought one of these and the handle fell off on mine too. The company did send me a replacement, which was great, but that one broke after a week or so too. So I gave up. Nice design, but that's not much good if it doesn't work.

    1. Yeugh, that really is rubbish! Annabel's had lasted for several months without disaster so hope that's a two-off.

  3. I love my Black and Blum Lunchbox - I've got the "Lunch Pot" which can hold soups instead, and then a seperate compartment on top for fruit and other nibbles - genius :)

  4. Re breaking handles, I think haveing the second lid break within weeks is just plain bad luck.

  5. Hi to everyone and sorry that I am late joining this discussion. I am writing from black+blum. We are very sorry to hear about the problems some of you had with the lid. We were aware of a small batch which was faulty and are keen to hear from anyone who did have a broken lid so we can replace it with a good one. It is best if you contact [email protected] and then we will send you a link allowing you to order a replacement lid (please hang on the rest of the lunchbox and silicon seal).

  6. I love my Box Appetit! But 2 lids that I had have broken! So I'll be getting in touch again!


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