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Wednesday 25 January 2012

Top Whisky Recipes

Burns Night means whisky and last night on our Facebook page, Deidre asked us for a little round up of whisky recipes so you can have a whisky cocktail after your haggis. Here's a round up of our favourite whisky recipes.

Whisky Sour: This is the perfect cocktail when your cupboards are bare. You'll have all of the ingredients even when you've only got toast for tea.

Rusty Nail: One of the most underrated cocktails there is. We do love a rusty nail.

Blood and Sand: One of the only cocktails to be created especially for a film. Tastes good too.

Hot Toddy: If you're under the weather, there is nothing better.

Whisky Mac: Is there an easier cocktail to make?

Got a bottle of bourbon to hand? It might not be Scottish but it does mean that you can make these whisky cocktails as well.

Old Fashioned: My favourite whisky cocktail.

Sazerac: It's refined, it's short, it's pretty perfect.

Ward Eight: Fruity, with a bit of a punch.

Horse's Neck: Get your peel curling skills sorted for this one.

Lynchberg Lemonade: It's a classic, but an excellent long drink.

Whatever whisky you end up drinking tonight, have a fabulous Burns night.


  1. Thankyou! I am celebrating Burns Nicht the nicht(ie: a day late). These will come in most handy; Whisky Sour for aperitif, Whisky Mac for the haggis, and Blood and Sand for dessert when I may well do my Shirley Temple impression whilst explaining the origins of this cocktail - I'm sure it will seem impressive at the time.

  2. You're welcome, Deirdre! Excellent choice of cocktails, have a lovely evening!


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