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Monday 9 January 2012

Blogs We Love: Things Organized Neatly

I'm probably the messiest person I know.

I also like things organised neatly. I like rows. I like piles. I like things arranged by size and colour.

This little contradiction means that today I'm surrounded by books and paper and magazines (and crisp packets, which may or may not have been a large part of my lunch), but I'm swooning like a mad thing over Things Organized Neatly.

This makes me happy. It also makes me want chips.

They're nice and neat.

Look at all of this tidy stuff.

Yep, this pile of books makes me smile. Just looking at it makes me happy.

Things Organized Neatly is such a simple blog, but with gorgeous photography and a theme that makes my inner neat freak clap with glee, it's one of my favourite.


  1. Wow. Just wow. This blog has inspired me to tidy!

  2. As much as I hate to tidy - these pictures are lovely!

  3. These are very cool - maybe I won't be so scathing about my girlfriend's plan to arrange all our books by colour now...!

  4. It's all just so beautiful! I always feel the need to organise my food.


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