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Thursday 12 January 2012

Design Porn: We Are Dorothy Song Map

Penny Lane, Highway to Hell, the Long and Winding Road... the amount of songs written about streets and roads is pretty extensive (though the less sound about Duffy's Warwick Avenue the better). Those nice boys at Thrillist alerted me to We Are Dorothy who have popped them all on a map.

The details are so cute. Look, there's the Heartbreak Hotel, just down the road from Hotel California. The House that Jack Built!

Park Life is there, too. Yep, just down the road from the House of Fun.

The Oxbow Lake makes me happy indeed. Such a nice touch. You've got two choices if you want to buy the map (and I really, really do). You can pay £100 for the signed limited edition, or £20 for the poster. Whichever you buy, leave yourself a spare hour or three for staring at it and playing all of your favourite songs.


  1. I love this map - great present for someone of any age.

  2. This is fabulous! I can think of about twenty billion people (including me, and people I haven't met yet) that I want to buy this for.

  3. It solves my problem of what to get The Hairy Drummer for his birthday!


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