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Wednesday 1 February 2012

Kitchen Gadgets: Scrap Trap

This is an idea so simple that it astounded me that I didn't have one and didn't know that I needed one before. It is essentially a scoop that sits on your cupboard door under your worktop to collect all those bits of crumbs and pesky onion skin that escape from the chopping board en route to the bin (or does that only happen to me?). And it comes with a swiper thingy so no more using your hand/kitchen towel combo and ending up with crumbs and pesky bits of onion skin all over the floor.

You need one now don't you? Bizarrely, as much as I looked, it appears this is only available in the US (maybe we don't get crumbs in the rest of the world?) but thanks to the power of the interwebs, you can get one from Amazon US for £11.77 at the current exchange rate including shipping.


  1. What a clever idea. I get crumbs all over my hands and then all over the floor.

  2. I want this. I need this. It would make my life a lot better. However - would asking for it a birthday present be lame?

  3. Only good if you've got a drawer underneath your prep. worksurface - which I don't (my kitchen was designed by a man who doesn't cook, and, boy, does it show!). Shame - it'd be very useful!

  4. I definitely need this! I'm a very messy cook :P

  5. This would also be great to hold snacks in as I cook! Am I missing the point??

  6. I cant believe Lakeland doesn't sell these. I need one asap!

  7. gasp - where has this been all my life, not just for onion sking but garlic too!

  8. I got one of these in QD, not the same make or whatever but it was £5. One of the single most useful items I've ever bought. It was this one, near enough

  9. Puddlestomper9 May 2012 at 16:48

    mel - they do £7.99 :)


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